Friday, March 30, 2012

All Vocab. for The Adventures of Ulysses

Ulysses Chapter Chart Information

Ch. 1: "Ships and Men"

Quote: "Bad luck makes good stories." pg.3
-naiad = sea nymph
-piratical = pirate like
-suitor = wannabe boyfriend
-50 men ea. ship
-3 ships
-prow= tip of the bow

Ch. 2: "The Ciconians"

Quote: "I advised you badly, O Chief. We have angered the gods." p. 7
-Maronea = first stop
-Eurylochus = U.'s assistant
-18 mean dead/132 left
-scything = slicing
-appease = to calm someone down
-Hellenes = Greeks

Chapter 3: "The Lotus Eater"

Quote: "This man is a hero. Terrible are his needs, sudden are his needs, and his dreams must be his own." p. 13
-morph = shape
-Morpheus = god of dreams
-Hypnos = god of sleep
-Persephone = Morpheus's aunt
-secret pocket
-hospitality = kindness toward guests

Ch. 4: "The Cyclops' Cave"

Quote: "The gods honor courage but punish pride." p. 26
--Sicily? Crete?
--mutiny = crew rebels against captain
--undiluted = pure; no water added
--"snoring like a powersaw"
--converging = moving together towards a single point
--hubris = Greek crime of having too much pride
--Polyphemus = cyclops; Poseidon's son
--Poseideon = Poly's dad
--13 men go to shore
--2/1/7 gone
--122 men left?

Ch. 5: "Keeper of the Winds"

Quote: " 'For those who know how to listen, I have a tale to tell.' " p. 30
--Penelope = U's wife
--Telemachus = U's son
--Aeolus = god of the winds
--the island fortress
--12 kids
--9 days/9 nights (U. slept)
--untrusting crew members
--personification of the wind

Ch. 6: "Cannibal Beach"

"But it was not trunk. He had been climbing no tree." p. 44
--6 days
--Island of the Racing Sun
--one boat/one crew left

Ch. 7: "Circe"

"For the sweetest spell Circe weaves is one of hospitality." p. 54
--45 men left
--marrow = inner bone material
--23 men go to castle (Eurylochus + 22)
--Hermes = messenger god
--moly = white flower: protects against spells
--Tartarus = the worst part of Hades
--The Fates = Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos

Ch. 8: "Land of the Dead"

"You must keep to the middle way." p. 79
--Hades (The Underworld)
--Elpenor = crew member
--the gull
--River Styx
--Anticleia = Ulysses's mom
--Achilles = Gk. hero of Trojan War (know Achilles' heel story)
--Ajax = Gk. hero of Trojan War; went mad w/resentment because Ulysses was awarded Achilles' golden armor, not him
--Penelope = U's wife
--Tieresias = shape-shifter; he is very wise and Ulysses has been directed to him for advice

Ch. 9: "The Wandering Rocks"

Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--prophecy = a prediction of the future
--inept = clumsy
--rendezvous = to meet OR a meeting

Ch. 10: "The Sirens"

Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--Sirens = half woman, half bird
--Thrinacia = ancient name for Sicily
--" not release me"
--beeswax = what they used to plug their ears
--"heap of bones" = what the Sirens sat on

Ch. 11: "Scylla and Charybdis"

Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--thrice = three times
--dumbfounded = shocked to the point of speechlessness
--Amphitrite = Poseidon's wife

Ch. 12: "Cattle of the Sun"

Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--Hyperion = ancient sun god
--dire = serious
--30 days/30 nights = how long they were stuck on the island
--libation = liquid sacrifice; usually wine
--piety = religiousness
--kine = synonym for cattle
--vortex = center of the whirlpool
--ALONE!!!!! = Ulysses is all by himself; no crew left

Ch. 13: "Calypso"

Choose your own quote, or use this:
p. 115: "Briefly, your son is grieving, your wife is weaving, and your guests are not leaving."
--Ogygyia = Calypso's island
--grotto = cave
--Titan brood
--2300 yrs. old = Calypso's age
--(magic) veto = a veto is the power to say no; Calypso can tell the magic logs NOT to show Ithaca
--shroud = death blanket
--eloquent = well-spoken

Ch. 14: "Ino's Veil"

Choose your own quote!
--veil = long piece of soft fabric
--Phaeacia (sometimes spelled Phaecia) = place where Ulysses ends up at end of this chapter

Ch. 15: "Nausicaa"

Choose your own quote!
Alcinous = Nausicaa's dad; King of Phaecia
Arete = Nausicaa's mom; Queen
Artemis = goddess of the hunt/moon
law of hospitality = Be good to your guests!
Euryalus = leader of the young men; he challenges Ulysses
bard = singing poet

Ch. 16: "The Return"

Choose your own quote!
Eumaeus = faithful swineherd
roister = to party wildly
Argo = doggy
Antinous = arrogant suitor
Eurymachus = leader of the suitors
Iros = other beggar
Eurycleia = Ulysses's nanny when he was a baby
Agelaus = takes over when Eurymachus is killed

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Table of Contents: Journal #6

Compound Sentence WS
Gr. Mythology Jeopardy (answers)

Self-eval letter info sheet
RD letter
Mythology Word Search
Blank for now OR “See JE# 5/left”
Jason movie notes (flippy)
Creature Chart
Jason Notes (you copied them from the board)
Jason Quiz #1
Jason Quiz #2
Jason Crossword
G & G Chart
G & G Practice Test
Perseus Q’s & A’s
12 Labors of Hercules (drawings)
12 Labors of Hercules Flippy(list w/each labor highlighted)
Blog Info
Perseus  Vocab.
(Copy words and definitions from blog.)
G & G Crossword
Hercules Movie Worksheet (front only)
Hero or Heroine
(Quickwrite from yesterday; must be at least 75 words)

Monday, March 19, 2012

List of Helpful links

Notice that in the left margin, I've added a list of helpful links. Use them to help you with our Greek Mythology unit (the G & G crossword that's due on Wednesday, for example).

There will be more to come.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Perseus, Vocabulary, and Genealogy

Have you finished your Perseus Q's yet? For #22 (EC), you'll have to do some research because it's not mentioned in our version of the story.

Words to know from the story:

          conceal hide
                      oracle person 

                      To see an amazing family tree for Greek Mythology, go to the 

                      "Pantheon of Greek Deities."

                      pantheon:    pan = all; theo= gods
                      deities = gods


                      For extra credit, email me at
                      In the subject line, put your first and last names
                      In the message, tell me the name of the flying horse in Greek Mythology.

                      Tuesday, March 13, 2012

                      Greek Gods and Goddesses

                      These links will help you complete your G & G chart:

                      When you get to the site, scroll down and click on "Homework Help."
                      When you get to "Homework Help," click on "Major Olympians."

                      Major Greek Gods and Goddesses Family Tree

                      Monday, March 12, 2012

                      Periods 4 & 6: This blog is just for you. Check back often

                      For tonight's HW, I've asked you to complete the "Jason" crossword. It's based more on the classic ancient Greek version than the Hollywood version we just saw. So, you'll have to investigate the ancient version to find some of the answers.

                      Here are a few websites that can help. Click on the links:


                      Wednesday, March 7, 2012

                      Period 5: Table of Contents for Journal #6

                      JE #
                      Proofreading Page (46 errors)
                      Must be edited in color for credit.
                      Anne Scenes
                      Anne Essay Prompt
                      Completed Pre-Writing Chart
                      Essay Example (pink)
                      Anne Essay RD
                      -King Arthur Crossword
                      -Dear Merlin
                      King Arthur Comic Strip
                      (both sides)
                      Venn Diagram: Sir G. stories
                      -Which Witch?
                      -Jane and John
                      Valentine Poem
                      RD on back must be complete (20 lines)
                      Star Writing Test Notes
                      Star Writing Test Flippy
                      “There Be Dragons” Summary
                      Comma Rules
                      Practice Sentences
                      Writing Test Q’s (your answers to Q’s)
                      More Comma Rules
                      Commaless Story
                      Compound Sentence WS
                      Tri. #2 Self-Eval Letter